Caldwell County Farmer’s Market Now Open!

Posted On May 14, 2024— Written By and last updated by
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The Caldwell County Farmer’s Market is openSaturday from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.! Located at 308 Blowing Rock Blvd. Lenoir, NC in the Kimbrell’s Furniture Parking Lot.

**Shop Like a Pro: Tips for Navigating the Farmer’s Market**

While navigating the farmer’s market, it’s helpful to have a game plan to make the most of your visit. Here are some tips to ensure a successful shopping trip:

1. **Arrive Early:** The early bird catches the worm, as they say. Arriving early not only ensures access to the freshest produce but also allows you to have the first pick of the offerings.

2. **Bring Cash:** While some vendors may accept cards or mobile payments, cash is often preferred and can help streamline your transactions. Plus, having small bills and change on hand makes it easier to make exact purchases.

3. **Embrace Seasonality:** Farmer’s markets are a celebration of the seasons, so be prepared to embrace the ebb and flow of what’s available locally. Enjoy the possibility of discovering new fruits, vegetables, and specialties that may not be found in supermarkets.

4. **Engage with Vendors:** One of the joys of shopping at a farmer’s market is the opportunity to interact directly with the people who grow or create your food. Don’t hesitate to ask vendors about their products, farming practices, or recipe suggestions—they’re often happy to share their expertise and passion!

5. **BYOB (Bring Your Own Bags):** Help reduce waste and make it easier to carry your purchases by bringing along reusable bags or baskets. Not only are they the eco-friendly choice, but they’re also sturdier and more spacious than plastic bags.

6. **Explore Every Corner:** Take your time to wander through the market, exploring each vendor and product. You never know what hidden gems you might discover or what tasty treats might catch your eye.

The market season is from May 4, 2024, to October 26, 2024, each Saturday from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. The location is 308 Blowing Rock Blvd. Lenoir, NC in the Kimbrell’s Furniture Parking Lot.

With these tips in mind, you’re ready to visit the Caldwell County Farmer’s Market. Thank you for supporting local!