Join Us for a Garden Party at Unity Park Community Garden

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The N.C. Cooperative Extension cordially invites all gardening enthusiasts
and residents to a Garden Party at Unity Park Community Garden on June 8, 2024,
from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. This event is part of the Learn. Grow. Share. Series 2024, is
designed to educate and inspire the community about native plants and other effective gardening practices.

Event Highlights:

Plant Identification Discussion: Learn how to identify various native plants and
understand their benefits to our local ecosystem.

Using the Online Plant Toolbox: Get hands-on experience with this valuable
resource to help you select and care for plants suited to our region.

Tour of the Demonstration Garden: Enjoy a guided tour of Unity Park’s
Demonstration Garden, showcasing a variety of gardening techniques relevant to our area!

Children’s Rock Painting Activity: Bring the kids along for a fun rock painting
activity designed to engage young minds with the beauty of nature.

*Participants are encouraged to bring a lawn chair for a comfortable experience. 

**Please RSVP:** To ensure we can accommodate everyone, please call 828-757-1290 or email to confirm your attendance.

Unity Park Community Garden
1419 College Ave, SW Lenoir, NC 28645

Did You Know?
– Over 3,700 lbs of vegetables grown at Unity Park have been donated to local soup
kitchens and food banks.
– Unity Park Community Gardens is known as Caldwell County’s Best Kept Secret.
– Join us and be a part of this growing community!

Future Events:
July 25, 4 p.m. – 7 p.m.
September 12, 4 p.m. – 7 p.m.
These additional Learn. Grow. Share. events will continue to provide valuable gardening education and community engagement opportunities.
Come grow with us and be a part of something beautiful in our community!

For more information, please contact N.C. Cooperative Extension at 828-757-1290