Presentations give Caldwell County 4-H’ers a voice

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Starting May 16th through May 24th, local youth will have the opportunity to participate in Caldwell County’s 4-H Presentation Program. This is a program for youth to come and give presentations on whatever topic they would like. This includes presentations with mediums such as slide shows or tri-fold posters, hands-on demonstrations, public speaking, and talent presentations. Youth can present on any topic they can imagine, from 3D printing to how to correctly groom your horse! I look forward to listening to all of the unique presentations that our youth will come up with!

The 4-H Presentation Program helps to teach kids to use their voice and to become self-confident. When I went to college at NC State University, I had to take a public presentations class, I noticed there were three kids in the class who public speaking and presentations seemed to come as second nature to them, so I asked one of them how they were so good at presentations and speaking in front of crowds. Turns out they grew up doing the presentation program in 4-H. I have first-hand experience of how beneficial this program is for youth and how they will use this learned skill in their everyday lives.

The winners from our Presentation Program will go on to compete at NC 4-H West District Activity Day on June 14th. There they will compete against 4-H’ers from other counties in the west district to earn cash prizes. The winners from the distinct event will then go on to compete at the State Level at NC State University to win an even bigger prize!

To learn more about how youth can participate in 4-H or what is currently offered locally, contact Caldwell County 4-H Agent Gabby Whorley at Families can also view local 4-H information online.
Caldwell County 4-H is a proud member agency of United Way.
Gabby Whorley is the 4-H Youth Development Agent with N.C. Cooperative Extension, Caldwell County Center. The N.C. Cooperative Extension, Caldwell County Center, 120 Hospital Ave. NE #1 in Lenoir, provides access to resources of N.C. State University and N.C. A&T State University through educational programs and publications.