4-H Volunteers Retire From Education, Club Leadership
After the dismissal bell, a crowd of students exit their classrooms. Some load the buses, and some wait in …
Website caldwell.ces.ncsu.edu
After the dismissal bell, a crowd of students exit their classrooms. Some load the buses, and some wait in …
Results from the 4-H project record and portfolio contest at the state level are now available. Congratulations to the …
Think of a memorable video or a tutorial that helped you finish a project. What are the chances it …
Join the club! Around 100 youth in Caldwell County already belong to a 4-H Club, and there is still …
County Activity Day is an opportunity for youth ages 5-18 to showcase their talents and knowledge in a variety …
Lisa Deal will be inducted on April 29, 2023 to the North Carolina 4-H Hall of Fame for her …
In addition to our local 4-H Clubs, there are several short-term programs coming up this spring in 4-H. Choose …
What do bell-bottom pants, disco balls and the Bee Gees have to do with 4-H? On February 3, 2023 …